Saturday, November 6, 2010; SMS storage service is an online SMS storage service. It was developed and belongs by our very own innovative Kenyan company Mobile Planet. It is available for subscribers of all 4 Kenyan mobile phone operators; Orange, Safaricom, Yu and Zain.

I signed up as soon as I stumbled on this service, thanks to a tweet;
"i love just uploaded a series of sms i had been wondering where to store for safekeeping. kudos #mobileplanet" @rombokins
Not that I have any sentimental SMS's as allude to in their sales pitch,
"Save all your M-PESA, yuCash, ZAP, sentimental or important SMS simply and securely for life! ",
but I do want a place to store my M-PESA receipts in the event of a dispute or if it can help me reduce my tax liability.

It is really easy to sign up; they require your name, email address and phone number which is the default account name. It costs KES 5 to forward and store the SMS for life!

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