Saturday, February 7, 2015

Secondary Schools in Kenya

Number of Secondary Schools
There are approximately 7,714 secondary schools in Kenya; 6,324 public and 1,390 private.

Public Secondary Schools
There are 6,324 public secondary schools in the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) 2014 National School Choices document; 94 of these are national secondary schools.

For easier viewing I have transferred the information from the 5.2MB Microsoft Word document to a Google Docs spreadsheet with all the schools listed by county. The summary sheet shows the total number of schools, number of national schools, number of KCPE 2014 candidates and the population of the county.

Private Secondary Schools
There are at least 1,390 private secondary schools. The Kenya Private Schools Association (KPSA) has a list these private secondary schools on their website. The schools are listed according to their location; county and district (also called sub-county).

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