Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kenyan Jobs, Bold Move or Blunder?

Why did the owners of the kenyanjobs.blogspot.com blog move from their lucrative position, albeit on a blogger account, to their new location at Kenyan-Jobs.com?

They were No. 19 on the Alexa ranking of Top Sites in Kenya. Only two other Kenyan websites were better ranked than them; Nation and Standard.

What prompted them to risk losing all the traffic they had acquired? Following all the great work they had done in attracting visitors. This is incredible considering how many more Kenyan job websites have started in the last year and the amazing competition there is?

I was shocked to visit the kenyanjobs.blogspot.com webpage that I have saved as a bookmark, after my website review in September 2009, and find an ominous sign saying "The blog you were looking for was not found." I was able to track down their new location thanks to a kind tweep; Mapambo.

Why did the owners of this successful website not consider leaving a notice on their blogger webpage redirecting traffic to their new website? Or did I miss this. Perhaps they made an announcement on their FaceBook page. Why did they not consider running two websites, with identical content, and then announce an upcoming switch to the new site? Or did something go wrong and they had to switch right away?

Time will tell if the people that used to visit the old site will find the Kenyan-Jobs.com and remain loyal. I fear that they have made a blunder and it will be very difficult to recover the lost ground to the competition.


  1. The other day, I was reading this column on a Sunday newspaper on how Kenyan businessmen/women take their clients for granted.

    The writer was commenting about a shoddy and pathetic service he received from an Italian Restaurant in Lamu.

    It got me thinking; if only those in the service and hospitality industry would take their customers seriously. How much benefit would they acquire?

    Like fate might have had it, it took me one day from the time I read this article and the time I received poor service- and it all had to do with a certain service provider.

    I was working on an article when I received a call from a friend asking me the link to Kenyan blog site that posted jobs.

    Having used the website several times, I had the link memorized so I quickly gave it to him. He said thank you and I continued with my work.

    Few minutes later, he sent me a text saying that blog was not in existence and on the link was this; “The blog you were looking for was not found”.

    Where am I going with this? Well, I am reacting to tovuti sanifu sentiments on the kenyanjobs.blogsopt.com’s move to their new webpage Kenyan- jobs.com.

    See, moving websites without sufficient prior information can be quite frustrating to its users. It’s not like moving an office or house where a word of mouth will be best used.

    I therefore honestly, think the decision by the owner(s) of this site to change from their blogger account to there current site was wrong, bad and misplaced. It is not bold move in whichever angle you look at it. Not in my perspective anyway.

    Why do I say this? Because like I had mentioned I was frequent visitor to this site.

    Infact I at one time got a web content developing job through this website.

    Until I started seeing “the blog you were looking for was not found”.

    Now I really don’t know why the move was made. Perhaps it was an attempt to provide better services. But why couldn’t they say something?

    Better still leave a notice to its users redirecting them to their new site?

    Did the administrators stop to think on how tedious it will be for the regular users to find the new webpage? Or was it an assumption that the users will just write Kenyan jobs and it pop up.

    Well, I did that several times but I failed miserably.

    How about the competitors. Was this factored in?

    One very intriguing thing about this whole Kenyan job blog was the fact that they found it such a waste of time to leave any info concerning the status of their old or new website.

    Whether the blog was still running or had been disabled.

    Nonetheless, I must say I visited the new site and loved it. It’s less crowded, easy to navigate and well categorized.

    There is an addition of functionalities- like recent jobs, latest jobs and a provision for daily email alerts subscription as well as provision for comments. All that was not available in the old website.

    By and large, it will cost the owner(s) more than blood and sweat to get their new site to the status and huge traffic it had acquired.

    Until few minutes ago, I believed the site was dead. Thanks to tovuti sanifu, now I know it’s alive.

    The big question is how many people do? Or are still looking for kenyanjobs.blogspot.com?

    Ohaga Ohaga.

  2. Lucy - Thank you!

    Ohaga Ohaga - You are welcome and well said. Much more could have been done to provide for a smooth transition from the blogger account to the new website.

  3. Hi Alex

    ... just visited Kenyan-jobs.com and looks like their Alexa ranking is climbing quite quickly.

    Yes they must have lost a whole bunch of traffic, and yes, they should have left a redirect on the blogspot sign, but I think a good move to get their own domain.

    They needed to do it because of how large they've grown so they can manage their site better.

    I think their site is much neater now.

    And thanks for letting us know where they went to - I'd been looking for them without success.

    All the best bro.

    Kim Kanari
