Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Regular TV on the Web and Web TV on your regular TV

The term convergence in ICT is no longer vogue, that however does not mean that it is still not happening in a big way. With a broadband connection you can watch regular TV shows via the Internet through web sites like You Tube and Hulu.

Even more amazing is the increasing number of purely web TV shows, (or TV shows that are available online) which can also be watched on your regular TV.

Here are a few 'TV' shows that I have stumbled upon and enjoy watch on my computer, to stay in touch with news about Kenya and keep learning new stuff on technology, especially the Internet;

Through YouTube ;
KBC TV use Jump TV embedded in their main website to stream all their TV programming, 24/7 I believe.

Aly Khan Satchu is blazing the trail with his very own web TV show RichTV and podcasts, daily providing reporting and insight on the Nairobi Stock Exchange. Noteworthy was his interview of Micheal Joseph. Aly Khan is also featured on traditional media at CNCB Africa and writes weekly in the Nairobi Star.

The BBC show a short version of the weekly technology show Click. Shame its just a short version in the USA.

CNET are blazing the trail too with their own TV shows on all things technology!

Last and definitely not least, my latest find and a must watch for all web designers is Doctype TV !

1 comment:

  1. I am grateful for the Ventilation I really am.

    Aly-Khan Satchu
