Thursday, September 24, 2009

Jim Chuchu

  • Wow this website is a work of beauty. Jim Chuchu showcases his great work in photography and videos.
  • The website is not a bandwidth hog; it will load quickly and the size of the photographs, less than 200kb, is great compared to the high quality.
  • Great personal website making use of the WWW and Internet for marketing; letting people know what you can do and how they can find you.
  • Great use of name of for a personal domain name. Interesting that there are no further personal references to who Jim is. The blog reveals a little.

  • The navigation in the Exhibit (Photos) section of the website is poor and can be improved. After someone clicks on a photograph and want to return to the home page or another section of the website, they have to click on the back button on the browser. There should be a way to display the photographs on a web page which still has navigation buttons on it.
  • There are many people on the WWW looking for great photographs so Jim ought to try and tag the photos showing that they are his and make it more difficult for people who would copy them and reuse them.

  • Nothing ugly here. Excellence gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. Jim Chuchu's website is excellent.

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